Business API
Connect your customers to the world best messaging App
Connect your customer with world most popular messaging APP Whatsapp API and messaging solution. With Whatsapp messaging solution customers will get connected to your business in same way as they connected to their family and friends.
Send Whatsapp sms in more than 180 country
It can easily triggered whatsapp messages from backends and can be integrated in all CRM application, Mobile application, Web application or any external software. Through this you can easily send all transactional notification, OTP sms, informational messages.
Promotional SMS
Easily share audio, video, documents, pdf, images etc
Through Whatsapp sms you can easily share audio, video, documents, pdf, images etc. Its is very easy to share Promotional offers, invoices, demo pdf, user manual, tickets and other customer documents through Whatsapp business API.
Whatsapp Business API for your business
How useful is Whatsapp Business API for your business

WhatsApp SMS - Send unlimited text with Multimedia files to your customer
Send media rich text with images, brochures, bill Invoice etc to engage your customer with your brand value and connectivity.

WhatsApp SMS - Provide smart customer support and instant reply
Instant 24x7 customer service through Whatsapp SMS, provide your customer to new level of support through FAQ and other pre customized messages through Whatsapp chat bot features.

WhatsApp SMS - Collect customer feedback and complain with ease
easily collect valuable feedback and service complains from your customer through whatsapp sms facility.